We Have Made it to the Bilişim 500 List Once Again!


We continue to make a difference in the sector with our rise in the Bilişim 500, which we participated in with our Turkey operations!

In the report, which was held for the 25th time this year and included the 500 largest companies in the Turkish IT sector, we rose 37 places compared to the previous year and took our place in the 88th place among the top 100 IT companies in Turkey.

We are also proud to be among the top 10 fastest growing IT companies in Turkey in the last 3 years!

Our rankings in Bilişim 500, where we proudly achieved sustainable growth:
SOFTWARE-ERP 3rd place
SERVICE-Consultancy 3rd place
SOFTWARE-Data Warehousing and Business Intelligence 3rd place
SOFTWARE-CRM 4th place

We will continue to grow with sure steps both in Turkey and in our global offices and add value to our customers’ digital transformation journeys. We would like to thank our teams who contributed to our successful growth and our customers who trusted us in their digital transformation journeys.

Let’s continue to achieve sustainable success and grow by leading the digital transformation together!

Supporting your business processes with emerging technologies is the main goal of our business.

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